“Bringing visibility to Austin’s spirit of neighborliness one story at a time"
-Keep Austin Neighborly
Our communities are teeming with helpful neighbors, selflessly using their time and resources to preserve our communities high quality of life. 

Sadly, their essential work often goes unnoticed.

Our Mission...

is to collaborate with innovative individuals and organizations who are actively contributing to our community.

Using storytelling and modern marketing strategies to enhance their visibility, we aim to attract volunteers, and secure resources for their work.

By supporting these neighborly efforts we believe they can become more sustainable, helping Austin remain
a supportive and connected community for all.

Discover the many ways you can collaborate with us and make a difference below and together, we can all help #keepaustinneighborly

Our Success Stories...

Austin Bicycle Meals

Austin Bicycle Meals distributes helpful resources to Austin’s unhoused population by bicycle every week. Their distribution method provides a much-needed bridge to our neighbors who may be in need but are outside the reach of our community-established services.

LEarn more
"The media shows the tiniest percentage of what people do. There are millions and millions of people doing wonderful things all over the world, and they're generally not the ones being touted in the news."

Contact Us

Want more info on how to volunteer, interested in becoming a partner, or just want to say "hi!" - Feel free to drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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